“Bought this for one project, which is now complete. Time for it to move on!
Condition is great. Everything works great: all ins, outs, pads, buttons, data wheel, etc. Display backlight is great.
Ugraded momory to 128MB. Comes with 1GB Compact Flash card and an after market power supply (one of those generic ones, with a polarity inverter that is now semi-permanently taped on).
Only issue: Every so often, shows a “CPU addr” error when booting up. When that happens, you just turn it off and on again. Once it is booted up, it has always worked 100% of the time for me. I have never had any errors or freezes after the boot up, and I have never had any problems with lost data. Really this issue is a minor annoyance every so often, not affecting regular operation at all.”
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