“This Akai MPC 2500 has the custom JJ OS XL version 1.24 installed for better sample chopping
Some of the red LEDs have been swapped for yellow ones (see photos)
Pads are responsive but this machine requires some minor servicing and is being sold as is.
Tact switches have been replaced on some buttons but this machine likely requires more tact switch replacements because several buttons require multiple presses or sometimes don’t respond at all.
Likely needs a board replacement as well because the stereo out and headphones Jacks do not provide sound. Not all boards need replaced just the one that controls these functions.
You can still get sound out of the machine by going into the mixer and outputting the sound to channel 1, and plugging your monitors/output to the respective output on the back of the device.
Because of the need for repairs this powerhouse of equipment is priced to sell/ being sold for parts.
With repair you stand to get this MPC for much lower than they are currently going for.”
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