“Akai MPC 1000 Sequencer And Sampler Beat Machine.
Powers on. All buttons and levers register a response. The program appears to run well. I don’t know the memory capacity of this unit but very likely has to be upgraded.
Biggest concern is there are 3 missing buttons and 2 mixer toggles missing – see photos (they have been circled in red). Fortunately each button is purchasable online (mpcstuff.com) and on eBay. Each cost roughly $5-$6.
One other small thing is I didn’t line up the cover correctly so it runs against a few of the dials. Once you are ready to install the buttons you can adjust the cover to align better.
Cosmetically I would give it a 6.5, maybe 7 out of 10. Has some wear, some paint rubbed off, scratches here and there. Probably lean closer to a 7.
Comes w power cord and 32mb card, nothing else. I don’t know the specs or anything else about this unit.” Click here to visit listing on eBay